SB DX @ ALLBBS $RTDX0409 VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 9 April VK2SG RTTY DX Notes for week ending 9 April 1993 (BID RTDX0409) Bill, VK2EG reports that he saw Syd, VK2SG, 4 April. "He is walking and improving. Hopes to be home after Easter." Thanks Bill, appreciate the updates and to Syd, God bless, we miss you. Our information this week came from CE3GDN, DJ3IW and the Central Europe DX-Cluster Node DB0SPC, I5FLN, N5PSI, PA3FQX, VK2EG, WA1MPB, W2JGR and the Twin-Cities DX Packet Cluster Network, W5KSI, ZS5S. Thank you all for your assistance. Bandpass Friday 2 0303-14088 VQ9MN 0407-14091 CE0ZIS Juan Fernandez 0632-14087 XT2BW 1310-14085 RT7U 1314-21083 UL7PBY 1319-14083 UA0ST 1329-21084 9A3PL 1437-21087 4X6UO 1616-21084 5R8DG 1704-21087 LY2ZZ 2104-14085 UO5OIN 2320-14086 TY1PS 2349-14084 EA8ATE 2351-14088 9K2IC 2353- 7037 SU1AH Saturday 3 0725-14085 UG6GG 1246-14085 ES7FQ 1255-21088 OM3CPS 1257-14083 SU1AH 1434-21085 LY2ZZ 1513-28086 C91J QSL W8GIO 1630-21085 UO4OIN 1651-21082 5R8DG 1733-14090 SV2BBJ 1740-28082 C91J 1755-21089 OH0MFP see notes 1831-21087 OD5PL 1840-14084 S57AV 1919-21083 CN8NP 2214-14088 9K2WA Sunday 4 0427-14087 ES7QF 0618-14087 XT2BW 0732-14087 RA2FB 1303-21087 UM8MU 1335-21085 UO5OIN 1337-21083 UL7PBY 1359-21085 ET3SID 1340-21086 9A1CRT 1523-21086 ZC4ST QSL G4SGD 1555-21092 LX1DA 1759-21085 ET3SID still going strong 1929-14084 CN8NP 1948-21088 HI8BG 2006-21086 OH0MFP 2245-14082 SU1AH Monday 5 0025-14081 VP8CIL Falklands 0034-21087 VR6BB 0147-21085 HJ4SAN fer prefix 0150-14085 HI8LEZ 0510-14090 TG9QQ 1312-14083 HK0MEP 1438-14085 AP2KS 1602-14089 UL7MU 1802-14089 EA8RA 2146-14083 7Q7ZZ 2157-14086 9K2IC 2206-14089 4X6UO Tuesday 6 1300-21086 KN4DG/KH2 1545-14086 OM3CPS 1546-21086 GM0HNP 1550-21092 OH0MFP 1552-21085 GI3KVD 1726-21083 5R8DG 1730-14087 OM3CPS 1748-14083 RB0HZ 1755-21089 OH0MFP 1834-14088 VQ9MW Wednesday 7 1550-21082 VR2GC 1627-21087 GW0SFP 1733-21084 5R8DG 1734-21088 IS0CCW 1745-14081 YL2KF 2125-14085 ET3DX QSL JH1AJT Thursday 8 0244-14089 OA4CN 0412-14085 8P6SA 1208-14088 EA6PZ 1208-14082 GI3ZKT 1221-21090 UT4JWJ 1236-21092 EA8BZJ 1326-21084 YL2KF 1505-14088 4X6UO 1542-21080 FM4FZ 1619-14089 RT4UZ 1928-14088 ET3DX Notes of Interest. Results of the 1992 OPDX/NODXA Survey. Most wanted countries are in this order: 3Y/P Peter Is., 5A Libya, VK0H Heard Is., VU4 Andaman, 3V Tunisia, 9G Ghana, KH5K Kingman Reef, TN Congo, 1S Spratly, VK0/M Macquarie, ZL8 Kermadec, FR/T Tromelin, 3Y/B Bouvet, VU7 Laccadives, XZ Burma, VK9/M Mellish Reef, FT8Z Amsterdam, J2/A Abu Ail (deleted), 5X Uganda, EP Iran, P5 North Korea, 1A0 SMOM, KH1 Baker/Howland, SV/A Mount Athos, XW Laos. Aland Island, OH0. QSLs may be sent to respective home calls or to POB 179, 33101 Tampere, Finland, with cards for the different operators in the same envelope. Ghana, 9G1AA. At this point looks like no RTTY from the gang. Reports have it that the RTTY gear was damaged. For next weeks bulletin, please direct your Notes and Bandpass to Bob, WB2CJL @ CE3GDN.#STGO.CHL.SA or WB2CJL @ ZS5S.ZAF.AF Remember, DX don't sleep. GL DE Bob, WB2CJL @ CE3GDN.#STGO.CHL.SA /EX